Low Tunnels

Spring 2020 is the first time we are implementing low tunnels inside of our high tunnel. Our low tunnels were constructed using rebar, PVC pipe and special row cover fabric. Low tunnels are typically 2-3 ft high and cover the width of a garden bed; they can be inside a structure, like a high tunnel or as stand-alone protection outside. They can be used to protect young seedlings from the cold and wind in early spring, to warm up the garden bed temperature for direct planting, to protect cold hardy vegetables from cold season temperatures and as pest control. We are currently using these low tunnels to protect kale & broccoli seedlings, grown from seed inside our home under lights and transported to and acclimated inside of the high tunnel a few weeks ago; we also have low tunnels over a couple of long beds of radishes, carrots & salad mix to keep the temperature of the bed nice and cozy.

It’s been really neat transitioning from gardening outside only to gardening both outside and inside this high tunnel. We are so grateful for all of the support and help with this project, which we completed in October 2018. We’ve enjoyed the season extensions that our high tunnel provides and are excited to further experiment with low tunnels to see if we can harvest even further into the winter months and taste the fruits of our labor even earlier in the springtime. CSA members and email subscribers get the earliest and latest harvests. Reach out about our programs or to get on our email list today!

Low Tunnels