Loving Lovage

It's soup season! Many soup recipes begin with a sweet & savory simmer of carrots, onion, garlic & celery. Our new favorite ingredient replaces the celery (which used to grow in our annual vegetable garden) in soup recipes with a perennial. Have you tried Lovage?

Recently, a customer reached out to us to see if we had it--they wanted to recreate a soup they had while living in Poland! After a few years of starting celery (which is an annual here) from seed & enjoying the robust flavor of homegrown celery, we were introduced to Lovage. It packs a strong celery flavor AND is a perennial here in Omaha! Leaves can be used anywhere celery flavor is desired; stalks tend to be a bit fibrous, so discarding them or using them just to infuse flavor is the best route. If you love celery & perennials, we'd highly recommend this one